
Monday, 19 August 2013

If I had been at the mall... I wouldn't have discovered I could use Jimmy as man-bait!

When Jimmy and I are out in the community, he often likes to talk to other people, usually to ask them where they are going.  Today he struck up a conversation about trains with a scrawny college kid in an LRT station.  After coaching him through the interaction and suggesting that when people have earphones in, they probably don't want to be bothered, it occurred to me that the encounter could have been an excellent meet cute!  I could have been living my very own Nora Ephron movie right now, if Jimmy was a little more discriminate in who he talks to!  I can't believe it has taken me three summers to figure this out... with a little bit of work, Jimmy could become my very own wingman! 

Sometimes in my job I write stories or make videos for kids that deomonstrate  appropriate behaviour to help them learn what is expected of them.  Perhaps this is just what Jimmy and I need....

Being a Wingman

Sometimes when I am out with Gabrielle, I like to talk to strangers.  It is ok to talk to strangers, if they are attractive, intelligent and male.  It is not ok to talk to strangers if they are old, wearing sweats or smell like AXE.  I like to talk to people with kids but this is not the best use of my time.  It is better to talk to tall men who look like they have money.  I like to talk about trains with strangers.  It is ok to talk about trains but if the man seems TOO interested in trains, it is time to move on.  When I am done talking, I can say, "This is Gabrielle.  She is my babysitter.  She's awesome!"  This makes Gabrielle feel happy.  The end.

I never would have figured out how to use a six year old to meet men if I had been at the mall