

Frequently Asked Questions

Ok, so these aren't actually frequently asked questions.  They're not even questions anyone has asked.  But they are questions that I think you SHOULD be asking so that my blog makes sense!

So, what are you, blind or something??

Yes.  Yes, I am.  Not totally blind but legally blind.  Yes, that's with my glasses on.  No, it's not the same as your sister/cousin/cat who can't see the alarm clock in the morning because he/she isn't wearing her/his contacts.  I have no central vision which means I can't see things at a distance and I can't see small things up close.  That's why it's dangerous for me to have scissors....

So what CAN you see?

Dead people.  

Who is Jimmy?

Jimmy is a small friend that I look after a few hours a week.  He's six and we do a lot of community activities together.  He's a fun kid.  

Do you have a job or do you just shop all day?

Yes, I'm a teacher in a special education program.  All my students have Autism and they drive me crazy and make me laugh  and amaze me and challenge me and I love them!  It's kind of an awesome job.

Where do you live?

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Why do all your blog posts have typos?

Because I don't proofread.  

What's the deal with the weird wolves figurine  in so many of your pictures?

If you read this post, you'll learn where they came from.  They are spending the summer travelling in my purse and experiencing new things.  They seem to be really enjoying themselves so far!

So what is this challenge you're doing, anyway?

I challenged myself not to go to the mall for three months.  I officially started the challenge on June 10th and my goal is to make it to Labour Day.  


Well I had the idea a few weeks earlier when I was moaning about how much money I was spending.  I flippantly said something like, "I am going to have to ban myself from the mall!"  And when I thought about it, it seemed like a good idea.  My goals are to save money, shop locally and experience new things. So far so good!

What if you can't find something at a non-mall store?

Then I can't have it!

What else do you like?

Drinking wine, bantering with my wicked smart and funny friends,  laughing, drinking coffee, watching YouTube beauty videos,  talking about makeup, getting nostalgic about the 90s, learning, mocking the inane,  being outside, flowers, things that smell good, travelling, trying new things (but never by myself!),  being right, whining about winter and eating pizza.

What don't you like?

Winter.  Riding the bus. Rudeness. People that waste my time.  Proofreading.  The Big Bang Theory.  Slow-talkers.  Spending too much time alone.   People who think their way is the only way. Scary movies.  Our oppressive education system.  Peas.  

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